Debate Events
Lincoln-Douglas (LD) Debate
Lincoln Douglas is a preparation-intensive, value-based debate. Every two months we receive a resolution that proposes some value statement that requires one to weigh between and evaluate various moral systems. LD teaches students to think critically and evaluate the world around them. Examples of past resolutions are "Rehabilitation ought to be valued above retribution in the United States criminal justice system" and "The United States is justified in using private military firms abroad to pursue its military objectives." LD might seem somewhat daunting at first, but for those who stick with it, the rewards are great. NOTE: We will not be teaching LD at the novice level this year. There will only be a varsity LD team consisting of 16 members.
Co-Captain: Katie Zheng (12th) -
Co-Captain: Aahan Patel (11th) -
Meeting Times: TBD
Location: TBD
Congressional Debate
Congressional Debate seamlessly merges both speech and debate. Modeled on our very own Congress, competitors prepare 3-minute speeches to either affirm (pass) or negate (fail) a bill on a wide variety of topics, from the minimum wage to the Syrian refugee crisis. The debating aspect comes in the one-minute cross-examination period after each speech. Congress is a great event to gain a comprehensive understanding of a myriad of domestic and international issues, as well as gain speaking skills and argumentative strategies.
Congress Co-Captain: Saanika Gupta (12th) -
Congress Co-Captain: Rushil Chemudur (11th) -
Congress Co-Captain: Anya Ayyappan (11th) -
Meeting Times: TBD
Location: TBD
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Public Forum Debate
Public Forum is a two-person debate form. Over the years, Public Forum has evolved into an event that requires proficiency in appeal, well-constructed presentation styles, and advanced debate mechanics to be successful. Teams will debate resolutions that are released on a monthly basis. Typically, these resolutions are heavily centric on either United States domestic or foreign policy, in which teams will debate their merits and/or reasons for the policy’s implementation. The activity time culminates in approximately 35 minutes of total activity time. The pro traditionally speaks first and the con speaks second.
Var Roster Co-Captain: Rikin Patel (12th) -
Var Roster Co-Captain: Sandy Nayar (12th) -
Meeting Times (Var Roster): TBD
Location (Var Roster): TBD
JV Co-Captain: Ivan Shah (11th) -
Meeting Times: TBD
Location: TBD
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